The Evangelical Press Association (EPA) announced the winners of its annual journalism contest at a May 2-4 conference in Colorado Springs. More than 300 publications, 10 from Christianity Today International, are members of the EPA. The EPA designates two kinds of awards: “Awards of Excellence” for a magazine as a whole, and “Higher Goals” awards for issues, articles, columns, design, and other categories. The organization honored Christianity Today with 11 awards this year, including an award of merit in the general category for magazines. The winners are listed below.
Biblical exposition, First PlaceNothing But the Blood More and more evangelicals believe Christ’s atoning death is merely a grotesque creation of the medieval imagination. Really? (Mark Dever, May 1, 2006)
Editorial, Second PlaceA Faith Tailored Just for You The hoopla over the Gospel of Judas is both absurd and revealing. A Christianity Today editorial (June 1, 2006)
Reporting, Fourth PlaceDeliver Us from Kony Why the children of Uganda are killing one another in the name of the Lord. (J. Carter Johnson in Kitgum, Uganda, January 1, 2006)
Standing column, First Place “Taste and See” by Agnieszka Tennant
2006 columns include:
Dating Jesus | When ‘lover of my soul’ language goes too far. (December 6, 2006)
To Russia with Fury | Sometimes charity means anger. (October 9, 2006)
What (Not All) Women Want | The finicky femininity of Captivating by John and Stasi Eldredge. (Aug. 10, 2006)
A Velveteen Apologetic | How two creatures dig a rabbit hole in my disbelief. (April 10, 2006)
What Would Jesus Buy? | Saving the world one cashmere sweater at a time. (Jan. 31, 2006)
Single-theme section/issue, First PlaceEvangelicals How we’ve moved from cultural curiosities to the ‘new internationalists’. (October 2006, 50th Anniversary Edition)
Cover, First Place “Little Soldier Boys” by Andy Sewell January 2006 issue
Single photo/candid, Fourth Place “The God Who Lives and Works and Plays in Russia” by Gary Gnidovic The photo that won ran on page 32 and 33 of “The God Who Lives and Works and Plays in Russia” in the November 2006 issue.
Single photo/controlled setting, Fourth Place “A Divine Conspirator: Dallas Willard” by Greg Schneider The photo appears in the article “A Divine Conspirator” on page 44 of the November 2006 issue.
Typography and lettering, Fourth Place “Why Jesus Used the ‘S’ Word” by Alecia Sharp The lettering is on page 36 in “Why Jesus used the ‘S’ Word,” an excerpt from Jesus Mean and Wild: The Unexpected Love of an Untamable God.
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