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All I Want for Christmas Is a Bigger Bust
How the incarnation helps Christians think about plastic surgery.
It's a Wonder-Full Life
It takes a special kind of birth to grab the world's attention.
The Annunciation to the Shepherds
Artists' depictions of Christmas night, from A.D. 1306 to 2007.
Kwanzaa Quandary
Some churches debate the place for Kwanzaa.
Not Just A Clump Of Cells
What the Christmas story says about our bodies and our bioethics debates.
No Room in the What?
Mary and Joseph weren't trying to check into a hotel—they were staying with relatives.
Courageous Nonviolence
At the first Christmas, the angels proclaimed, ‘Peace on earth.’ Just-war and pacifist Christians together can make it happen.
Hark! The Herald Angels Sing: From Wesley to Our Hymnals
At least four people brought the now-inviolable hymn to its current form.
Soul Searching After Mass Murder
Another reason we eagerly look for "the one who is to come."
Our Lord's Virgin Birth
Why it matters that "a real son of a real mother" did not have a human father.
Let the Pagans Have the Holiday
First, let's take back Easter.
The Invasion of God
The so-called Christmas wars are much larger than we imagine.
Christmas 'Jars'
New album gently rattles the seasonal genre.
Do They Know It's Hanukkah?
There's more than one "happy holiday" for Christians this season.
Funeral Service Planning
These forms and documents will help your church plan funerals with, for, and alongside of the church family.
A Manifold Resurrection
Why the risen Jesus met people in five different ways--and still does.
The Good Friday Life
We need something more than another moral imperative.
Images of Calvary
Contemporary Christian artists reflect on Good Friday.
Resurrected Life
Quotations about Easter to stir heart and mind.
Who's to Blame for the Mideast's Unmerry Christmas?
Plus: The Pope and Ahmadinejad, Kansas' abortion battle, what happened to Jesus' foreskin, churchgoers remember Ford, and other stories from online sources around the world.

Top Story June 1, 2024

India’s Christians Brace for 2024 Election Results
India’s Christians Brace for 2024 Election Results
Church leaders mobilized prayer for parliament and state elections, knowing the question wasn’t whether Hindu nationalists would win but the size of their mandate.

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