Book Reviews

Limit Books By:
Book Title (Most Recent)AuthorRating
Carranca, Adriana4 Stars - Excellent
Chasing Hope: A Reporter's Life
Chasing Hope: A Reporter's Life
Kristof, Nicholas D.5 Stars - Masterpiece
McLaughlin, Rebecca4 Stars - Excellent
Hooten Wilson, Jessica4 Stars - Excellent
Brown, Andrew J.4½ Stars - Excellent
Groothuis, Douglas5 Stars - Masterpiece
Peñamora, Aldrin M. and Bernard K. Wong4½ Stars - Excellent
Renn, Aaron M.3½ Stars - Good
Reading Genesis
Reading Genesis
Robinson, Marilynne5 Stars - Masterpiece
Blumhofer, Edith L.5 Stars - Masterpiece
Spencer, Andrew J.5 Stars - Masterpiece
Moss, Candida3 Stars - Good
Uszynski, Ed3 Stars - Good
The English Soul: Faith of a Nation
The English Soul: Faith of a Nation
Ackroyd, Peter4 Stars - Excellent
Whiteman, Darrell L.5 Stars - Masterpiece
Ndereba, Kevin Muriith4 Stars - Excellent
Ndereba, Kevin Muriithi4 Stars - Excellent
Lim, Susan C.3 Stars - Good
Childers, Alisa; Barnett, Tim4 Stars - Excellent
Glahn, Sandra L.4 Stars - Excellent
Clarkson, Joy Marie4 Stars - Excellent
Hartman, Dayton; McEwen, Michael4 Stars - Excellent
Gupta, Nijay4 Stars - Excellent
Broadway, Anna4 Stars - Excellent
Sprinkle, Preston M.3 Stars - Good

Top Story June 7, 2024

Doubting Thomas: Why the Evangelical Crush on Aquinas Needs to Mature
Doubting Thomas: Why the Evangelical Crush on Aquinas Needs to Mature
Thomism is experiencing a renaissance in theology, but there’s a reason it’s controversial.

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