Mud Alive

N.D. Wilson

N.D. Wilson

N.D. Wilson is a best-selling author, observer of ants, and easily distracted father of five. His latest book, Death by Living, is a creative nonfiction celebration of mortality.

Called to Be Uncool Christians
Called to Be Uncool Christians
When we fear no one but God, we're free to really serve him.
Lighten Up, Christians: God Loves a Good Time
Lighten Up, Christians: God Loves a Good Time
Challenging ourselves to embrace the sense of fun infused in this world.
The Dark-Tinted, Truth-Filled Reading List We Owe Our Kids
The Dark-Tinted, Truth-Filled Reading List We Owe Our Kids
Stories can teach about real-life evil—and the God who overcomes it.
Our Love-Hate Relationship With Christian Art
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Despite our faith's rich artistic history, we wrongly trash-talk Christian works.
To Tame the World
To Tame the World
What terrifies us about reality pushes us toward its Creator.

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‘Are You Ready to Open Your Doors … And Your Toilets?’
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