
The Annunciation to the Shepherds
Artists' depictions of Christmas night, from A.D. 1306 to 2007.
No Room in the What?
Mary and Joseph weren't trying to check into a hotel—they were staying with relatives.
Courageous Nonviolence
At the first Christmas, the angels proclaimed, ‘Peace on earth.’ Just-war and pacifist Christians together can make it happen.
Hark! The Herald Angels Sing: From Wesley to Our Hymnals
At least four people brought the now-inviolable hymn to its current form.
Soul Searching After Mass Murder
Another reason we eagerly look for "the one who is to come."
Our Lord's Virgin Birth
Why it matters that "a real son of a real mother" did not have a human father.
When the Media Became a Nuisance
How to respond to the next blockbuster book/documentary/movie that questions traditional Christianity.
Let the Pagans Have the Holiday
First, let's take back Easter.
Romney Dodges Doctrine
But questions about candidate's Mormon beliefs may continue.
Blessed Are the Barren
The kingdom of God springs forth from the empty womb.
The Invasion of God
The so-called Christmas wars are much larger than we imagine.
A Rustling in the Garden
Why we sometimes wish the atheists were right.
Good News from a Bad World
Hopeful signs in American culture could precede theological shifts.
Graduating from Babylon U—With Honors
Daniel's and his friends' actions weren't to protest their pagan divinity program, but to show that God was the source of their excellence.
Deconstructing Dawkins
Alister McGrath's challenge of famous atheist is bracing—but does not go far enough.
Inerrancy, Trinitarianism, and … ?
Evangelical Theological Society will vote on changing its theological basis.
Righteous Priorities
Not everyone who says 'Lord, Lord'—or avoids slurs—will enter the Kingdom of Heaven
Postcard from San Diego: Fighting 'Bibliolatry' at the Evangelical Theological Society
Talbot's J.P. Moreland warns that evangelicals are “over-committed to the Bible.”
Scripture and The Wall Street Journal
David Miller wants us to think more deeply about integrating faith and work.
Biggest Property Fight in Christendom
Conservative Anglicans in Virginia on trial to retain ownership of their buildings, assets.

Top Story May 5, 2024

Conservative Methodists, Unite
Conservative Methodists, Unite
After this week’s UMC votes on LGBTQ issues, African Methodists should join American conservatives in the new Global Methodist denomination.

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