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Predator, Wanderer, or Lover

What type of pastor becomes involved in adultery? Some observers have differentiated as many as seven profiles. But Marie Fortune's simple distinction between predators and wanderers is perhaps more helpful. Another type, the lovers, is a third.


The pastor who actively seeks opportunities to abuse women sexually can be called a predator. The predator uses his power and position to coerce or manipulate. He deliberately moves beyond the boundaries of propriety and takes his victims with him.

Many predators have a string of conquests or are involved with several women simultaneously.

In "Is Nothing Sacred?" Marie Fortune notes that the pastoral sex offender does not differ significantly from his nonclergy counterpart.

"He is manipulative, coercive, controlling, predatory, and sometimes violent," she writes. "He may also be charming, bright, competent, and charismatic. He is attracted to powerlessness and vulnerability. He is not psychotic, but is usually sociopathic; that is, he has ...

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