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Broken People Can Become Whole Disciples

The challenge for today's church is how to make whole disciples out of broken people.

Some people's brokenness is obvious. Abuse or abandonment has left scars. With others, beautiful exteriors have been carefully crafted to hide what no one really wants to see anyway. Sometimes only their eyes betray them. Or the unsteadiness in the voice, or the almost unnoticeable trembling of the hands.

That was Sarah's case. Who would guess this young wife with two children had just had a lesbian affair? Sarah's infidelity masked a deeper internal fragmentation. How could her husband Michael have known that his emotional inaccessibility would lead to this kind of alienation? Though he loved Sarah deeply, his own background made the prospect of intimacy something he feared almost more than abandonment.

Their marriage was fragile, their future uncertain.

Can you make disciples of such people?

The road was difficult, but now, 10 years later, Michael and Sarah have a strong marriage and a ministry ...

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