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Leader's Insight: Spotting New Leaders (Part II)

8 signs of leadership potential.

One indicator of leadership potential is past experience. Has the person demonstrated leader skills in some area outside the setting where you usually see them? But suppose someone you're considering for a leadership position doesn't have a track record? How can you spot potential in an emerging leader? Here are four more questions I ask myself when assessing future leaders. You may also wish to ask these questions of people who know the candidate well in a variety of settings.

5. Can they create or catch vision? When I talk to people about the future, I want their eyes to light up. I want them to ask the right questions about what I'm talking about. The founder of a major insurance company built a successful firm from scratch. He assembled some of the greatest insurance people by simply asking, "Why don't you come and help me build something great?"

A person who doesn't feel the thrill of challenge is not a potential leader.

6. Do they show a willingness to take responsibility? One night ...

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