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Holding Volunteers Accountable

Should we just be grateful for whatever they do?

Years ago I took on a full-time, volunteer role in my church. Within the first few weeks, I sensed the chemistry going bad between my supervisor (the senior pastor) and me.

For instance, I would state a new idea and receive a lackluster response. When he would ask about the progress of certain projects, he didn't offer any input, but he seemed dissatisfied.

It felt as if he was holding something back.

When I asked him if something was wrong, he admitted, "I don't know how to treat you because you are a volunteer. I can't hold you accountable."

"How about if you just treat me like a paid person," I said, "and let's get on with it!"

He laughed but honored my suggestion.

How does a church hold its volunteers accountable? Only by rethinking your entire approach.

From volunteer to minister

I first served at the church on the stewardship committee. I wasn't excited about it, but my husband was an elder, and he had asked me to help. I filled the role of planning dinners to celebrate Recommitment Sunday. ...

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