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Separated at Birth?

Church leaders and their celebrity twins.

A few days ago, Drew Dyck (managing editor of BuildingChurchLeaders.com) sent an email to Skye Jethani (managing editor of Leadership Journal) asking to borrow a book by Dave Ferguson. Drew parenthetically commented that Ferguson looked like Edward Norton the actor. That got the ball rolling.

With the help of Drew Dyck, Tim Avery, and others, Skye created a post on his blog of church leaders and their celebrity lookalikes. It was so well received that I decided to post some of the more popular images here. Of course I'm always open to more. Send me your ideas.

Tim Allen and Joel Osteen

Patrick Stewart and Tim Keller

Bob Ross and Philip Yancey

Woody Allen and Shane Claiborne

Tom Brokaw and Will Willimon

Edward Norton and Dave Ferguson

Richard Schiff and N.T. Wright

Check out more church leaders and their celebrity twins.

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