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Electronic Warfare

How email and blogs complicate conflict, and what to do about it.
Electronic Warfare

The world of email, blogs, and other electronic forums have complicated and magnified the potential for rumor, insinuation, and false reports. Sometimes church leaders get drawn into wars of online words, and before they know it, they've inadvertently done more harm than good.

One of the most dramatic cases of this began with a negative Google review of a church in the Pacific Northwest. A former member of that church posted:

"Although this church touts itself 'Garringberg Grace Community,' I found very little 'grace' there. This is a legalistic church where if you don't do things their way (the 'only' way), you will have challenges. Garringberg Grace shuns former members/attendees without giving an explanation. You will be fine in this church if you never question the elders or pastor. If you do not believe, worship, and evangelize 'their way,' they will let you know you are not a true Christian. Be wary of churches that proclaim they are one ...

From Issue:Summer 2013: e-ministry
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