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Disunity in Christ

Uncovering the Hidden Forces that Keep Us Apart
By Christena Cleveland (IVP, 2013)

The Facts: Social psychologist Christena Cleveland explores the question: "If Christians are supposedly all about love, why do we seem to fight so much?" While many have written explications of Jesus' prayer for unity in John 17, Cleveland takes a different tack and examines many of the social factors that inhibit the Church's desire for unity. Cleveland is careful not to discount the importance of theological issues, while challenging her readers to examine biases and presuppositions that govern the way they interact with the "other."

The Slant: Cleveland tackles a thorny topic by sharing pieces of her own story. She is appropriately vulnerable and honest about the ways she has sought to grow in her view of other Christians with whom she disagrees. This is a great resource for the pastor or lay leader serious about bridge building in a Christian culture that can sometimes be ...

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