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New Pope Praised by Evangelicals
Could the papacy of Francis I include more dialogue and unity between Catholics and Evangelicals?
A satirical look at the proliferation of smart phones in our schools.
The Divine Commodity
Today many people choose churches like they choose groceries.
Wait a Minaret!
How will your church respond to the growing influence of Islam?
The Wrong Boogeyman (Part 1)
Is the government really to blame for declining church attendance?
Skye Jethani: Tortured Conscience
A new survey shows most churchgoers support torture. What should pastors say?
Who Are the De-Churched? (Part 1)
Some are leaving the church because they've received a false gospel. Others are leaving because they've found the real one.
Lausanne Congress Days 2-3: Gospel on the Move
Cape Town delegates hear amazing stories of God's work around the world.
Skye Jethani: The Perpetuity Problem
Why we refuse to believe that God is eternal but our ministries are not.
Skye Jethani: Recipe for Church-365 (Part 3)
What if our approach to discipleship considered a person's vocation?
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