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Skye Jethani: Recipe for Church-365 (Part 1)
What if a church embraced the idea of institutional impermanence?
Ur Video: Rap Rebuke
Reformed rapper Shai Linne names 12 "false teachers" in new song.
How Long Should a Sermon Be?
Twitter survey asks pastors how long they preach.
Scrutinizing Church Leadership
Why are so many church structures predicated on distrust?
Is It Persecution or Just Politics?
The marginalization of faith in America is nothing new...the country was founded on it.
Who Are the De-Churched? (Part 2)
Now that we've identified those leaving the church, what are we to do about them?
When Worship is Wrong
A new study finds large worship gatherings can be chemically addictive, and why it is a serious problem for the church.
Skye Jethani: Recipe for Church-365 (Part 4)
What if your church gave volunteers, leaders, and money to other churches' ministries- on purpose?
Skye Jethani: Recipe for Church-365 (Part 2)
Reaffirming a theology of vocation and cultural flourishing in the church.
Study Says God-Connections at Church are "Rare"
Are churches failing, or are our expectations too high?
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