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Christopher Wright on His Book "The God I Don't Understand"
An interview from the preacher's perspective
Sex in Leviticus
It's part of a much broader teaching in Scripture.
John Stott’s Global God
The evangelical leader invested resources in Christian leaders around the world. Now those leaders are blessing the Western church.
An Upside-Down World
Distinguishing between home and mission field no longer makes sense.
What About the Canaanites?
The God who commanded the Israelites to wipe out the inhabitants of the Promised Land also commanded Israel to love and protect the alien.
Learning to Love Leviticus
Even those passages about shellfish, mixed fibers, and animal sacrifice.
Your God Will Come!
Isaiah 35 is a wilderness promise for exiles—and for us.
Whole Gospel, Whole Church, Whole World
We must believe, live, and communicate all that makes the Christian message staggeringly comprehensive good news.
An Upside-Down World
Distinguishing between home and mission field no longer makes sense.
Good Behavior Matters After All
How I discovered God's plan to reach a lost and sinful world.
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