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Multi-Ethnic Church Conference: Day One
Only 1 in 7 congregations is multi-ethnic, and churches are 10 times more segregated than their neighborhoods. Is this a problem?
Book Review: "Clouds of Witnesses"
Biographies of Asian and African Christians give valuable perspective.
Building a Culture of Discipleship
Help make your congregation a place that nurtures discipleship by using the assessments, studies, and how-to articles in this download.
Glenn Beck is Not the Enemy
The church has a significant image problem and denouncing Beck won't solve it.
Down with the Homogeneous Unit Principle?
Can we call our church model "biblical" if we're not reaching out to everyone?
Urban Exile: Following Jesus in the Face of Fear
Former suburbanite David Swanson reflects on ministry in the big city.
Urban Exile: Re-discovering Justice?
For many evangelicals, justice ministry is nothing new.
Political Code Language
Are political sticks and stones affecting the church?
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