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Leader's Insight: Imago Me
Creating Jesus in our own image, and other thoughts from my journal.
Leader's Insight: Real Christian Behavior
How God uses sheep from outside this fold.
When Leaders Rock the Vote
In this political season, how much should I say?
From the Macdonald Files
Courage in the Face of Helplessness
Clippings from the MacDonald Files.
The Discipline of Success
What productive leaders can learn from the four-minute mile.
Thickburgers and Thin Sermons
How a fatty cheeseburger prompted meatier messages.
Leader's Insight: A Halftime Calling for Ordinary Folks
And more gleanings from Gordon's journals.
Leader's Insight: The Preacher's 8-second Delay
In the pulpit and out, if only we could delete poorly chosen words.
Leader's Insight: Put on an Unhappy Face
There are lessons in lingering in your discouragement.
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