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Public-izing Faith
"Recent articles in Touchstone, Commonweal, and The New York Times serve as reminders that faith is not merely a private thing."
History Bully
Christian scholars speak not-so-softly over a big sticking point: Theodore Roosevelt's faith
Faith-based Give-in
Compromise bill for religious nonprofits gains grudging support.
What Conversion Is and Is Not
Hint: It's not just about getting people 'saved.
Stranger in a Strange Land
Where, in the passionate and sometimes acrimonious debate over worship today, is there any sustained reflection on the Eucharist?
Stranger in a Strange Land
Are We Still Modern, Mommy?
My Two Dads? Not in Florida
U.S. Circuit Court upholds ban on gay adoption
The Missions of Business
What can happen when entrepreneurs think they are missionaries first.
Response to 'Unintelligent Debate'
John Wilson responds to readers
Recovering the Sabbath
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