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Audio-Visual Buffet
Whet your appetite on this spread of new and interesting products.
Lyrics and Beyond
Video presentation software has revolutionized worship—new developments promise to continue the revolution.
Do It Yourself?
Cut costs, not quality, by knowing what lighting and video project work you can tackle on your own.
Forge art from text and create unforgettable displays using worship multimedia software and content.
Buying and Placing Mics
Critical steps for ensuring sound excellence during worship
Hearing is Believing
The microphone is the first and most important link in your church's sound system.
Effective Video
Meeting just three basic criteria will ensure a successful video ministry.
Bulb Basics
Get the most out of your lighting system with the right lamps.
Stage Lighting for Modern Worship
When it's time for an upgrade, here's what you'll need to know.
Life Support
When your A-V maintenance budget dies, so will your equipment.
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