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US Megachurches Are Getting Bigger and Thinking Smaller
Church growth has corresponded with a huge jump in multisite locations and deeper engagement in small groups.
Patrons’ Saints: Christians Turn to Patreon, Substack, and Kickstarter
As more evangelical figures embrace crowdfunding, is the format demanding too much of them?
Why Prison Ministries Are Growing
Adaptations for COVID-19 are helping Christians reach incarcerated people, with eager cooperation from government officials.
What It’s Like When Your Wife Is ‘Christian Famous’
Hearing from the husbands of some of our favorite authors, teachers, and ministry leaders.
When Prayer Requests Become Viral Hashtags
Online outlets like CaringBridge, GoFundMe, and social media accounts have the power to turn individual medical crises into trending topics.
There’s a New Kind of Pregnancy Center on the Block
Today’s generation of Christian leaders is making the movement more effective by taking a broader look at community dynamics.
Ghosted Again? Pastors Respond to Disappearing Congregants
Church leaders are seeking fresh ways to prevent "backdoor exits" and adapt to shifting membership.
Are Pro-Life Laws Working?
The national abortion rate rose slightly after Dobbs but plummeted in states with abortion restrictions.
‘Pray Away the Gay’ Has Gone Away. Why Are Governments Trying to Stop It?
Nations around the globe are pushing bans on conversion therapy, some without defining what it is.
Birth Behind Bars: Christians Fight ‘Cruel,’ Outdated Prison Policies
Ministry efforts aim to induce change and offer care for the growing number of new moms separated from their babies due to incarceration.
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