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12 Lessons from Penn State's Abuse Scandal
Church leaders must set and follow policies—and keep watch.
Court: No Housing Allowances for Second Homes
Ruling reverses controversial 'Driscoll' decision.
Stacking Up Electronics in the Church
Gadgets present legal, tax issues for leaders.
Disclosing a Child Abuse Reporter's Identity
Can the state reveal reporting sources?
Adding Up Property Taxes
7 common conflicts that land churches in court.
Substantiating Gifts of Property
Insufficient substantiation can cause the loss of a charitable contribution deduction.
Rabbi Trusts Subject to Claims of Employer's Creditors
Recent New York case addressed this subject.
New Reporting Requirement for Small Charities
Will churches be required to file IRS Form 990-N?
Proposal Would Reinstate Form 1099 Exemption
What would this legislation mean for churches?
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