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Book Review: "Clouds of Witnesses"
Biographies of Asian and African Christians give valuable perspective.
Book Review: "The King Jesus Gospel" by Scot McKnight
Putting Jesus back in the gospel.
Ur Video: Skye Jethani on Treasuring God
What is the difference between living over, under, from, for, and with God?
Can Parents Make Faith Last?
a review of 'Sticky Faith,' by Kara Powell and Chap Clark
Skye Jethani: What is Life WITH God?
An excerpt from my new book. Are we desiring God or just using him?
Ur Video: The King Jesus Gospel
Is the church proclaiming the same Gospel preached by Jesus and the Apostles?
Did Jesus Preach the Gospel?
Scot McKnight's new book will comfort some and confound others.
Ur Video: Francis Chan on Hell
Francis Chan addresses the controversy started by He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named
Ur Video: John Dickson on Humility
Are you wielding power for your sake or for others?
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