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Dangerous Blessings
A theology of God's abundance and our hunger for more.
Leader's Insight: Closed for Christmas
Is it the specter of consumerism or the ghost of Christmas past shuttering megachurches this December 25?
Leader's Insight: From Christ's Church to iChurch
How consumerism undermines our faith and community.
Leader's Insight: Who Will Save Thanksgiving?
This Holy Day is trampled in the Christmas rush.
Leader's Insight: Living with Less
Leading believers to embrace a simpler life (and 3 key questions to get us there).
Jesus Saves; Americans Spend
Will the church rise up as a voice of reason in a culture addicted to spending?
Stranded in Neverland
Consumerism addicts us to immediate gratification and perpetual youth, but the cross lifts us to a more satisfying joy.
The Gospel for iGens
Reared on self-esteem and impervious to guilt, the next generation needs good news that can break through their defenses.
Tiger and the Good Life
Celebrities and obituaries offer competing definitions of what's worth pursuing.
Idol Pleasures
What we prize, we eventually resemble—in unintended ways.
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