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Are You Living Your Calling?
Evaluate whether you are fulfilling your calling or simply going through the motions.
Spiritual Director Orientation Guide
Resources for shepherding, guiding, and providing spiritual care
Leadership Lessons from Billy Graham
Apply the principles that defined Billy's leadership to your own ministry.
Being an Authentic Leader
Share your heart without compromising your leadership.
Redeeming Your Failures
Even in your defeats, God is at work in your ministry and in you.
Finding Focus Through Spiritual Disciplines
Resources for centering your mind and heart on the important work of church leadership
When It's Time to Leave
Seek God's wisdom for when to stay and when to go.
When You Feel Like Quitting
Make sure you leave - or stay - for the right reasons.
Surviving Information Overload
How to think about and cope with all the information around us.
Being a Counter-cultural Church
Discern the prevailing attitudes and practices of our culture that your congregation needs to counter.
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