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Run for Your Life!
Your instinct to run away from it all just might transform you.
Giving Church
Andy Stanley: Take Courage
Andy Stanley discusses how the actions of one person can become the tipping point for change.
Priscilla Shirer: The Power of Being Present
Don't miss what God has for you.
Disarming the Boomers
Can a younger pastor bring change without getting blown away?
Disarming the Boomers (Part 2)
The key to bridging the generation gap between church leaders: massive quantities of coffee.
Cartoon: Love, Theologically Speaking
A Leadership cartoon by Lee D. Johnson
Draft: What Amazon is Priming Us For
Speed, convenience, and choices versus waiting, anticipation, and patience this Christmas.
The Purposeless-Driven Life
What a day of silence taught me about myself and God.
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