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Jesus and the Health Care Bill
It may cost us a bit more, but our nation has taken a compassionate step in the right direction.
Political Code Language
Are political sticks and stones affecting the church?
Do Christianity & Capitalism Clash?
New survey finds white, wealthy evangelicals love the free market...most others don't.
Praying For The Weekend: Mindy Caliguire
A daily prayer of surrender.
Praying For The Weekend: Mindy Caliguire
Silent prayer seeks a communion that is beyond words.
Praying For The Weekend: David Platt
What is the link between Christ's mission and prayer?
Praying For The Weekend: Shane Claiborne
What is the link between prayer and social activism?
Praying For The Weekend: Francis Chan
Our prayer life should look like a child spending time with his father.
Praying For The Weekend: Tony Campolo
Prayer is more than talking; it's surrendering to the presence of Christ.
Praying For The Weekend: Tim Keller
Prayer, like so many doctrines of Christianity, is a paradox.
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