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Leveraging the Strengths of Small Churches
This resource has articles that offer insights and practices to help you identify your small church's inherent strengths to build exciting and effective ministry.
Streamlining Church Programming
Eliminate complexity in your church's ministry so that you can focus your efforts on what you do best.
How to Grow a Church
Create a church climate that leads to physical and spiritual growth.
Start a Fundraising Campaign
Learn how to cultivate an atmosphere of giving.
Responding to Recession
Articles to help you and your church navigate this financial climate.
Being a Counter-cultural Church
Discern the prevailing attitudes and practices of our culture that your congregation needs to counter.
Next Steps in Your Ministry Vocation
Guidance for understanding whether you should stay on or leave, and if the latter, then how to leave.
Core Values
Discover your church values—how they shape the church and affect how ministry is conducted.
The critical pieces for casting a vision.
Managing Change
Make the right changes at the right time—and for the right reasons.
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