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The Mixed Gender Team
How men and women can work in sync.
Why Women Resist Community
How to help them connect.
Is the Concept of a "Soul Mate" Unbiblical?
Gary Thomas is the founder and director of the Center for Evangelical Spirituality.
Leader's Insight: Squelched by Marriage
Have I nurtured my spouse's personality, or buried it?
The Adulteress
A stone's throw from grace
A Woman of Influence
Why Elisa Morgan, CEO of MOPS International, is passionate about helping women see themselves as more than their roles.
Co-Ed Staff Dynamics
Leadership book review of Mixed Ministry: Working Together as Brothers and Sisters in an Oversexed Society.
The Audacity of Dreams (free sample)
As leaders, our best dreams call people to live their faith in the midst of the watching world.
Using Social Media Well (free sample)
Three keys to success.
Pastor Visitation
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