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Ur Video: Dallas Willard on Grace
Grace is opposed to earning, not effort.
Ur Video: Chandler vs. Furtick
Are seeker churches shallow? Are Reformed pastors doctrine snobs? Two young church leaders voice their differences.
Ur Video: Pastor Tased by Worship Leader
This takes "worship wars" to a new level.
Ur Video: Francis Chan on Hell
Francis Chan addresses the controversy started by He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named
Ur Video: Dever Worries "Gospel" Isn't Individual Enough
Does a cosmic gospel diminish the call to personal evangelism?
Friendship Heals Chick-fil-A / LGBT Divide
Dan Cathy, president of Chick-fil-A, models a Christian response to gay activism.
A Church by Any Other Name ...
How Url Scaramanga thinks about cool new church names.
Should Pastors Marry Cohabitating Couples?
New survey finds most pastors will. Is that right?
Praying For The Weekend: Tim Keller
Prayer, like so many doctrines of Christianity, is a paradox.
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