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The Spiritual Lives of Entrepreneurs: Introduction
Praxis CEO David Blanchard discusses equipping young entrepreneurs.
Work as Formation
The founder of a toy company explores how his work impacts his spiritual life.
Do Well and Do Good
How does Christian faith play out in Silicon Valley?
Big Things Could Happen
How can churches better engage entrepreneurs?
Rest and Sabbath
In a workaholic culture, why should the church talk about work?
Faces of the Pastorate: Chi Chi Okwu
These five pastors' stories point toward a bigger story.
Faces of the Pastorate: Misael Guzman
These five pastors' stories point toward a bigger story.
Faces of the Pastorate: Michael Warren
These five pastors' stories point toward a bigger story.
Faces of the Pastorate: Pranitha Fielder
These five pastors' stories point toward a bigger story.
Faces of the Pastorate: Harmon Li
These five pastors' stories point toward a bigger story.
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