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Our Best on Responding to Conflict and Crisis
The best training tools to handle church conflict appropriately.
Public Schools Are Changing. Should Your Church?
Four lessons for your children’s ministry and your adults.
Inside the Church Building of 2017
What's hot, what's next, and what needs to die.
Saving the Funeral from an Untimely Death
People today are confused about what funerals are for. How should pastors respond?
What Makes Your Church Your Church?
3 building blocks to help you tell your story.
People Aren't Projects
...and other lessons I learned as a rural pastor.
Reaching a New Generation with the Bible
We can no longer depend on methods that worked 20 years ago.
VBS Is More Than a One-Off Event; It's an Investment
4 ways to use this one-week program to ignite year-long discipleship.
3 Tips for Hosting an Outstanding Church Dinner or Potluck
Use the dinner table like Jesus did.
How Pastors Can Reclaim the Role of Spiritual Parent
I don’t wear a collar, but "Father" is still the best description of my calling.
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