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Stranded in Neverland
Consumerism addicts us to immediate gratification and perpetual youth, but the cross lifts us to a more satisfying joy.
Idol Pleasures
What we prize, we eventually resemble—in unintended ways.
Despite Struggles, Hopeful Signs for Finances in Christian Households
View from the Pew survey shows commitment to debt management, tithing
Jon Tyson: Our Cultural Narrative
Jon Tyson describes the story of American culture as "the pursuit of happiness by getting more through comfort." How can this story be transformed by the gospel?
The Church Is a Harlot, But I Love Her
Looking past the imperfections of the church and her leaders.
Living with Less
Leading believers to embrace a simpler life.
The Church of Stop Shopping
A prophetic documentary preaches a message that should be coming from the church.
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