Should I Stay or Should I Go?
How to know whether to leave or stay in your ministry context.
Should I Stay or Should I Go?
Image: SIphotography/Getty

“You’re called in until you’re called out.” I’ll never forget the words my mentor spoke over me when I found myself at a crossroads, wondering if I should stay or go in ministry.

My calling in had been clear: after four years of teaching high school ...

Why I Chose Seminary
Equipping for the challenges and blessings of being called.
Why I Chose Seminary
Image: Phil Boorman/Getty

For many women leaders, we must be more highly educated than our male counterparts to receive the same acknowledgment of our calling and equipping. That has certainly been true in my experience.

I grew up in a liminal time in my home church. The conversation around women leaders ...

Women and Criticism
Why itā€™s especially hard for women to take critique and how to discern what to do with it.
Women and Criticism
Image: Martin Novak/Getty

I hate criticism.

Not because I think I’ve arrived.

But because I fear I never will.

There are some personality and family issues at work there, but it also has something to do with the challenge of being a female leader. When I hear criticism, even from well-meaning people, ...

Jumping with God into Childrenā€™s Ministries
Ministering to children as the fully spiritually aware, intuitive thinkers they are.
Jumping with God into Childrenā€™s Ministries
Image: Ariel Skelley/Getty

Much can happen when we learn to equip and empower the children among us. For one woman in ministry, it’s not so much about children learning from grown-ups, but it’s about grown-ups learning from children. Samantha Trimble, Director of Children’s Ministry ...

Broken Minister
When you experience hurt from those who serve beside you
Broken Minister
Image: Hrvoje Zalukar / EyeEm/ Getty

When I was twenty-three, I left the United States for a scary, exciting job as an international campus minister. I was all nerves with my year of seminary, husband of a year, and life packed into five large suitcases. It was an adventure into the unknown, following God’s ...

The False Dichotomy
When women (and artists and feelers) underestimate their leadership abilities
The False Dichotomy
Image: John M Lund Photography Inc/Getty

Yesterday, I think something snapped in me. I had heard a particular comment exactly the number of times my heart could take it, and I decided I’m done hearing it. For all our sakes.

I was listening to an intelligent, educated young woman—a leader in her congregation ...

Leadership Lifelines: Prayer, Fasting, and Flexibility
How discipline and commitment prove essential in your leadership ministry.
Leadership Lifelines: Prayer, Fasting, and Flexibility
Image: AaronAmat/Getty

Andy Stanley said, “Leadership is stewardship, and you are accountable,” while speaking to a group of leaders at Catalyst Atlanta in 2006. This quote absolutely resonated with me, because we can forget that as leaders we are responsible for our own leadership. Not ...

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