Is the Resurrection for Real?

Along with other bloggers, I was recently asked to respond to this question in 100 words or less. Here's what I wrote:

My husband threw a handful of crackers across the room. He was angry.

My daughter threw her arms out wide and said, "Tada!" She was proud.

My son's tears rolled ...

My Upcoming Book: A Good and Perfect Gift

I've been working for years now on a memoir about the first few years of Penny's life, and I'm excited to announce that it will be available in just a few months. For more information, visit my page at Baker Books. In a few weeks, I will direct you to a page on my website with ...

Healthy and Happy Trumps Everything Else?

I've written before about the ethical concerns raised by in vitro fertilization, and I continue to wonder how we as individuals can make choices that keep in mind the good of the community and not only our individual gain. As I wrote in October, after Robert Edwards won the ...

Does it Show Respect to Proselytize?

The cover article of Christianity Today's current issue, "Proselytizing in a Multi-Faith World" offers a helpful portrait of what it means to respect people who don't see the world and religious issues in the same way without avoiding the topic altogether. He offers four points ...

What Will You Be When You Grow Up?

It's a question I remember from my childhood. And I remember my answers–everything from a banker to a teacher to a farmer to a writer. I wanted to help people. I wanted to make money. I wanted to do the things I liked doing. But it's a question I sometimes hesitate to even think ...

Perfectly Human: Celebrate by Gary Bender

To read more about the Perfectly Human series, click here. Today we hear from Margaret "Gary" Bender about her daughter Alex who has Down syndrome. Gary has also recently written a book, From Grief to Celebration, from which this essay is excerpted. It's a short (75 pages) series ...

Thin Places has moved again!

Thin Places is now hosted by Patheos. Please join the conversation at http://www.patheos.com/community/thinplaces/

Lenten Reflections: Our Love-Hate Relationship with the Cross Part One

It's a symbol of love, of forgiveness, of salvation.

It's a reminder of violence, of blood, of death.

It's a trinket dangling from a rear-view mirror, an ornament to dress up an outfit.

It's a centerpiece in a house of worship.

It's a gift. It's an offense.

It's a reminder, in the ...

The Love of Money: How Much is Enough?

In The Fortunate Ones (the Atlantic), Graeme Wood reports on a recent study that demonstrates how excessive amounts of wealth can't buy happiness. They can't even buy a sense of security. It's hard to believe that the super-rich feel insecure in life and about money in general, ...

Would You Welcome a Child with Down Syndrome?

Three stories that couldn't be more different. One abortion. One orphan denied a family. And one grandmother who shares the gift of her granddaughter. And yet in each case, the child in question has Down syndrome.

The first came from Babble, a parenting website. (I will include ...

Have you read any hope-filled books lately?

What books are you reading lately? Are they hopeful and truthful at the same time?

I ask because a friend who reads this blog wrote me last week with the following comments:

"I've been thinking lately about fiction and Christian writers. With my recent book choices I've read some ...

William and Music

I wrote last week about the way William is teaching me to love music. Earlier this week, Peter took him to see a string quartet and they happened upon the orchestra playing nearby. Click here to hear and see William talk about it.

Creation and Evolution: What Must Christians Believe?

I was asked to participate in the current Patheos Book Club discussion about The Language of Science and Faith. In addition to my own reflection, posted below, I invite you to read an excerpt, read an interview with Karl Giberson, and look at other reviews of the book itself. ...

What I'm Reading: Articles on Atheists; CP, Comedy, and Oprah; and Teaching Kids to Play

My husband, a Christian, volunteered to be the faculty sponsor of the atheist club on his school campus. Although he believes that Christianity is true (not just true-for-me but true with a capital T), he also believes that everyone has the right to express ideas and to think ...

In Memory of Francis or Outgrowing Their Clothes

A little boy died on Monday. His name was Francis, and he had Down syndrome. When he died he was wearing a blue onesie that once belonged to William.

Last week I spent some time going through Penny's old clothes to see what would fit Marilee. I found myself in tears as each item ...

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