Mommy, What Does Forgive Mean?How fighting with my son and a murder case in Florida helped me understand more about God's grace.

It's an unfortunate theme of my life these days, and therefore an unfortunate theme of this blog, that I frequently fight with my son. Much of the time, we get along really well. He slips his warm hand into mine as we walk down the hallway of his school. He scrambles to my room ...

When Your Twin Has Down Syndrome and You Don't (Perfectly Human by Vicki Vila)"...what does it really mean when your missing puzzle piece, your twin, has Down syndrome, and you don’t? This will either be a most irrelevant question in my young daughter’s life or a most important one, and I may never know which."

"Mommy, do I have Down syndrome too?"

My four-year old daughter asked me very matter-of-factly, without fear or expectation, only with curiosity. She does not, in fact, have Down syndrome. Or maybe she does, in the sense that it will forever be part of her identity as a fraternal ...

What Penny's Birthday and Epiphany Taught Me About Who We All AreI look forward to the mystery unfolding before me in each of my children

I don't mean to put my children in boxes, but every so often I catch myself. I have wrapped them up, hemmed them in, put a bow on top and presented them to the world as if I can contain what is inside. As if I can predict who they will be or what they can do.

I should ...

Summarizing 2012, or Not...Some lists of good reads from the past year, and my Q Talk on prenatal testing was selected as an editors' pick for 2012!

Nearly two weeks ago, I said I would be taking a week off from blogging. And then a week turned into ten days turned into a few days more... My kids went back to school today, and while I'm grateful to try to get back into my writing rhythm, I'm also grateful for the time we ...

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