
Thoughts about how Christianity affects our every day lives

Lenten Reflection: Cheating God?

I have a vivid memory of an argument about Lent from 4th grade. We were living in North Carolina, and my family (and their social circle, thus, most of the families I knew) attended an Episcopalian church. Observing Lent was a given.

I asked my best friend at school, "What are you giving up for Lent?" ...

The Episcopal Book of Common Prayer explains Lent like this:
Giving and Receiving

Community Service is a buzzword where I live, on the campus of a boarding school filled with students aspiring to Ivy League schools. They're required to do it. It looks good on their college "brag" sheet. And, for the most part, they enjoy it.

But I always wonder who they are serving. The students from ...

What does alcohol have to do with God?

I have a new post on The Park Forum: Wine, Beer, Shots, and the Spirit.

Lenten Reflections

As you may have noticed, there is now a logo on this page for the "CC blogs" network. CC stands for Christian Century, which has a site of recommended blogs about theology. Recently, they posted a roundup of posts about Ash Wednesday. If you're interested in more reading about Lent, go to "Ash Wednesday ...

Who Is God?

I was recently asked to reflect upon the question, "Who/what is God?" in 100 words or less. It took me longer to write those 100 words than it would if I'd been given 1000! They've been published on a new religion and spirituality website, I'll give you my response below, but to read the ...

Considering Lent: Disruptive Grace

It's one of Jesus' more enigmatic sayings. The disciples ask him to explain why he speaks in parables, and he replies: "Though seeing, they do not see; though hearing, they do not hear or understand" (see Matthew 13 for the whole context). It's a theme that runs throughout the Gospels, and one that ...

Spreading America's Ills Around the World

I have a new post on the Park Forum: "Is Scientific Research Driving Us Crazy?"

Giving Money to Haiti

Peter and I, like many Americans, have talked a lot about Haiti recently. We've wondered what we can do to help. And the answer is pretty obvious: pray, and give money. The prayer part I know how to do (which doesn't mean I'm particularly faithful in doing it). The money part is a little ...

"Remember the Poor"

There's this verse in the book of Galatians that always catches me off guard. It comes in chapter two, after Paul has explained that he is going to preach about Jesus to the Gentiles, and the apostles in Jerusalem will take the same message to the Jews. Then Paul writes, "All they asked was that we ...

Obama's Influences: Stories and Statistics

I read an interesting article in the Washington Post earlier this week about the various influences upon President Obama. I posted some thoughts on it on the Park Forum: "President Obama's Influences: Stories and Statistics."

Humility and Leadership

I have a new post on the Park Forum: Are Christians Wimps? talking about the relationship between power and corruption. Is it possible to be powerful without feeling entitled to power and without becoming corrupt? I hope so. Seems to me the only way it can happen is through an accurate sense of oneself ...

A few more thoughts about God, memoir, and cultural narcissism

And now a few more thoughts... The important thing about memoir in general is that it not be simply a chronicle of events, but rather a story telling a larger truth. So, for instance, on the surface, Penelope Ayers is the story of my mother-in-law dying of cancer. Which is a rather mundane experience, ...

Cultural Narcissism and Memoir: Confession and Redemption Without God?

I'm hoping to write more about this later today, but the grocery store calls. So for the moment, I'll just quote myself from a recent post on 843 Acres. Check back in this afternoon for further reflections. If, that is, my kids nap simultaneously this afternoon:

Embedded in Daniel Mendelsohn's new article, ...

Haiti and the judgment, or compassion, of God

I have a new post on The Park Forum: "Pat Robertson Said What?"

Kids and Original Sin: Broken and Beautiful

Years ago, I was on a weekend retreat with a group of high school students. The speaker was trying to explain the concept of original sin. He used his toddler daughter as an example, saying something along the lines of, "We're selfish from the moment we emerge from the womb!"

William has taken to having ...

Have you seen Avatar?

And if so, what did you think?

I'm particularly curious for two reasons.

One, Peter and I make it to a movie in the theater on average once a year. Literally. Last movie we saw in a theater was Slumdog Millionaire. We saw Avatar last week. Now, again, I never go to the movies. So the fact that I recommend ...

Haiti and asking "why"?

For good reason, the devastation in Haiti is all over the news, and in our hearts and minds and prayers as well. I'm hoping to write more about it, but for now, here is a piece I posted to the Park Forum yesterday: "There is no explanation for why my daughter is going to die..."

Grocery Stores and God's Grace

We went to the grocery store after church yesterday. We were out of milk. And bacon. And bananas. And a whole long list of items. And while we were at it, I remembered the list of things I had been meaning to buy at Target. So we divided and conquered and came home an hour later, trunk full.

For a variety ...

Holy Inefficiency

Christmas Eve, 11 pm. It was the first time since we've had children that my husband and I attended "midnight mass," and I had forgotten how long it took. At home, we attend a non-denominational church, but we had decided to go for the "smells and bells" of the Episcopal liturgy that night. It was 11:45. ...

Us With God: Part Three

When God raised Jesus from the dead, God proved that everything Jesus had claimed about himself was true. He wasn't just a remarkable and inspirational teacher who died an unfortunate death. He wasn't just a man who offered forgiveness from sin. Rather, the resurrection demonstrates that Jesus ...

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