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Resolved to Discipline
Southern Baptists repent of inflated membership numbers.
Quotation Marks
Recent remarks on church architecture and the food crisis, Obama quotes Reagan, and other soundbites.
The Other Election
Faith-friendly Democrats may take more congressional seats from Republicans this fall.
Obama at the AME
Grassley: Some investigated ministries making changes
Hinn and Meyer are instituting their own reforms in response to the Senate finance investigation.
Philanthropist Sir John Templeton Dies
Templeton wrote books on finance and spirituality and gave funds to many religious leaders like Mother Teresa and Billy Graham.
What's in a Name?
Obama's campaign has dropped 'Joshua Generation' name.
Woman Bishops Approved for Church of England
UK Anglicans unclear on accommodation for traditionalists who oppose ordination of women.
China to provide free Bibles during Olympic Games
The cover of the Gospels will sport an Olympics logo.
Blessed Insurance
Many pastors lack access to adequate health benefits.
Don't get me wrong
Obama clarifies his earlier statements on abortion.
Can McCain Reach Must-Win Evangelicals?
McCain is reaching out to evangelicals, but is it working?
Just Six Little Words
Obama's efforts to woo evangelical voters may not be as clear cut as they seem.
Tory Believers: Which Higher Loyalty?
During the Revolutionary War, many preached Loyalism as the Christian response.
The New Population Bomb
The problem may not be too many people, but too few.
Obama's New Faith Adviser
UMC seminary prof believes young evangelicals could sway election.
Reading the Bible with Obama
The presidential candidate crosses swords with Dr. Dobson over hermeneutics.
GAFCON Statement Contains No Explicit Sanctity of Life Endorsement
Despite support for prolife cause, GAFCON statements fall short for Anglicans for Life.

Top Story June 2, 2024

Pakistan’s Christians Fear Forced Marriages. Punjab Court Ruling Brings New Hope
Pakistan’s Christians Fear Forced Marriages. Punjab Court Ruling Brings New Hope
Church leaders and human rights experts weigh in on whether raising the legal age is sufficient in shielding minors.

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