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What Voices Do Kids Believe?
Children's ministers and volunteers must never forget the power of words of encouragement and praise.
Andy Stanley: Leading amid Uncertainty
"As a leader it's okay to be uncertain; it's not okay to be unclear."
Malcolm Gladwell: Prisoners of Overconfidence
The financial crisis that rocked the global economy has made many people long for bold, decisive leadership. But Malcolm Gladwell says we need precisely the opposite.
Engaging Atheism
Exploring the key elements of belief, faith, and the goodness of God
Andy Stanley: On Your Mark
"Living to make my mark is too small a thing for me to give my whole life to." Unfortunately many pastors are too focused on their own achievements rather than surrendering to God.
Donald Miller: Waiting on God's Plan
Finding creativity in an unlikely place: God's plan for our lives.
Erwin McManus: A Prison or a Portal?
Like many modern institutions, the church values efficiency. But that value often results in compartmentalizing and standardizing people.
Matt Chandler: Continual Repentance
What is the role of repentance for the growing Christian?
Charles Swindoll: Refusing To Wear Masks
Many churches expect their leaders to be models of virtue and righteousness. Many pastors expect this of themselves. But those high expectations have a dark side - they can lead us to hide the truth about ourselves when that truth is less than perfect.
Reggie Joiner: Preoccupied with the Missing
When responding to sinners, are we preoccupied with ourselves or with those who are lost?
Eugene Cho: Rescued from Greed
Have you ever made a commitment to God only to discover it was far more difficult to fulfill than you anticipated?
Naomi Zacharias & Bethany Hoang: Fighting Sex Trafficking
Helping the victims of injustice may be compassionate, bur pursuing real justice means changing the system that perpetrated the injustice to begin with.
Andy Stanley: What Is No One Else Doing?
At a Catalyst Conference a while back, Andy Stanley introduced the provocative concept: "To reach people no one else is reaching, we have to do things no one else is doing."
The Great Joy Rush
Video to accompany "The Great Joy Rush" curriculum
Dave Gibbons: The Rabbinical Way
Most churches pursue spiritual formation in a didactic way. We assess a person's strengths and then expect them to engage a series of classes that will, we hope, lead to maturity. But, what if we could customize a discipleship journey for each member of our church?
Jon Tyson: Our Cultural Narrative
Jon Tyson describes the story of American culture as "the pursuit of happiness by getting more through comfort." How can this story be transformed by the gospel?
Andy Stanley: Great Leaders Aren't Great at Everything
Andy Stanley discusses how our fully developed strengths are more valuable to our churches and organizations than our marginally improved weaknesses.
The Preparations
Discuss visas, immunizations, packing, and support-raising.
Craig Groeschel: Pastoral Practical Atheists
It was a chronic problem for the people of Israel. They honored God with their actions and rituals, but their hearts were far from him. Have we fallen into the same trap?
Andy Stanley: Your Only Authority
"Everybody is a volunteer." Since anyone can leave at any time depending on the authenticity of our moral authority, that is how we should see those we lead - even the paid employees.

Top Story May 31, 2024

The Moral Confusion Around Trump’s Felony Conviction
The Moral Confusion Around Trump’s Felony Conviction
Among the former president’s antagonists and admirers alike, there is a great deal of calling evil good and good evil.

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