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Walking toward Wellness: How Healthy Eating Informs Our Kingdom Work
Two Christians who promote natural foods as part of their vocational callings.
In Lansdale as It Is in Heaven: My City's Glocal Hope
Pastor J. R. Briggs discerns spiritual longing in his city's monuments.
Greg Haugen: Bravery Not Safety
Bravery in the face of evil.
Christine Caine: Compassion Requires Action
Do we feel emotions or are we motivated to action?
Ohio Stadium: The Buckeye State's Monument to the Glory of Football
A viewer-created film spotlights how sports unite us. But does that unity remain after we've left the stadium?
Common-Good Decisions: When Christians Bless the Cities of God
What happens when Christians sacrificially and creatively love their neighbors and neighborhoods.
Bolder As I Got Balder: How God Used Breast Cancer to Give Me Courage
A cancer diagnosis inspired Kim Newlen to create something beautiful for other women.
Furniture Fit for the Kingdom
For Harrison Higgins, building beautiful furniture is not simply a steady job but a sacrament unto God.
Katie Davis: Not an Option
Taking small steps of obedience.
Leroy Barber: Justice Begins with Your Neighbor
Discover what is broken in your own community.
Chris Seay: There Is No Kingdom Without the King
In our pursuit of justice we must not forget the presence of Jesus.
Marking the Place of Sin and Grace: The Meaning of Our City Monuments
Communities tell their stories through public landmarks. What does your city's landmarks say about you?
With Liberty or Justice for All: Inside the Occupy and Tea Party Movements
How can people who share the same faith embrace such different politics?
Chris Seay: Consumerism Is the Original Sin
We always want more.
Dave Ramsey: Financial Principles Matter
Protect yourself from fear.
Shane Claiborne: Holy Vocation
When God's people engage their work with his imagination, the kingdom comes near.
Donald Miller: Getting Bitter or Getting Better
How will you respond to pain and injustice?
Francis Chan: Casting All Anxieties
God invites us to cast our anxieties upon him.
Craig Groeschel: Facing Your Dark Side
Step out of the darkness.
How to Abandon 'Homeless People'
With his bike-friendly nonprofit, C. J. Speelman offers a better way to address our friends who live outside.

Top Story June 1, 2024

India’s Christians Brace for 2024 Election Results
India’s Christians Brace for 2024 Election Results
Church leaders mobilized prayer for parliament and state elections, knowing the question wasn’t whether Hindu nationalists would win but the size of their mandate.

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