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Obama Does Not Widen Religious Exemption for Contraceptive Mandate
The burden to cover contraception shifts to the insurance companies, but an earlier exemption for religious groups will not change.
First They Came for the Catholics: Obama's Contraceptive Mandate
An open letter to evangelical Christians.
Evangelicals Mounting Concerns over Obama Administration's Contraceptive Mandate
Protestants are increasingly joining Catholics in protesting Health & Human Services mandate.
Final Election Push, Plus Extra Push against Health Care Proponents
Activists spend millions in final push in expectation of major election results.
The Death of Pro-Life Democrats
Anti-abortion groups lead charge to halve their number in the House.
Reforming Health Care Reform
How states are blocking abortion coverage.
Breastfeed for the Health of the Nation?
Not nursing has major societal and health consequences—but even so, mothers deserve our support and understanding, not our judgment.
Health Care Reform Enacted—Now What?
Activists react to the new health care law and reignite a movement for immigration reform. Plus, Glenn Beck tells 2.5 million viewers that Jim Wallis believes in "the devil's way."
Covert Operation
Video leads to abortion clinic's probation.
Stupak: From Prolife Groups' Hero to Villain 'In a Nanosecond'
Groups say executive order is not enough, and will campaign against the Michigan Democrat they had promised to support.
Migrating Focus
After Congress's health care vote, activists see a revival of interest in immigration reform.
Joni Eareckson Tada: Health Care Bill Concerns
Protecting the least among us in health care reform.
Beyond Abortion: The New Debate Over the Health Care Bill Debate
From Family Research Council to Sojourners, disappointment over both policy and procedure.
Health Care Reform's Final Round?
Sojourners and Evangelicals for Social Action fight for "health care justice"; other groups urge starting over. Plus, conservatives grow frustrated by libertarians and coddlers of killer whales.
Stunned by Stupak
A surprise House ban on abortion funding reveals pro-life gains.
'Health Care King Herod Would Love!'
Advocacy groups wrap up an unusually busy Christmas season and prepare for 2010.
The Worst Week For Conservatives
Conservatives are licking their wounds from fights over abortion funding, health care reform, a gay-rights nominee, embryonic stem cell research, and Uganda's anti-gay law.
Will Abortion Derail Health Care Reform?
The Senate moves closer to a vote on health care reform, groups argue over presidential appointments, and the Family Research Council issues a correction.
Fear of Muslims and Fear of Bigotry
As Congress took most of the week off for Veterans Day, groups reacted to the tragedy at Fort Hood and a surprise pro-life victory in the health care debate.
After Election Day, the Vote Everyone Has Been Waiting For
Tuesday brought big news on same-sex unions and the election outcomes of conservative candidates, but all eyes are now on the health-care bill.

Top Story June 17, 2024

Church ‘Homelessness’ Must Not Be Grieved Too Quickly
Church ‘Homelessness’ Must Not Be Grieved Too Quickly
It’s okay to mourn what’s lost without losing hope for what’s to come.

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