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The Hidden Years
What did Mary do during the youth and ministry of her son?
When Mother's Day Is Hard
Taking solace in Scripture's difficult and unsentimental image of motherhood.
Life, Work, and the Mommy Wars
A book about real choices.
A Laughing Child in Exchange for Sin
What exactly does courage look like in an age of abortion?
Tolkien: Man Behind the Myth
At odds with his age, he created another.
Hobbits & Englishmen
His were small people surmounting impossible odds.
Like Mother, Like Son
John Wesley's parents, especially his mother, profoundly influenced his character and career.
Book Review: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
To show how greatly God has changed him, Augustine tells all. What a fifth-century critic might have said.
Black Christianity Before the Civil War: Did You Know?
Spiritual memories of slaves in their own words.
The Life & Times of Jesus of Nazareth: A Gallery - Select Circle
What do we know about those closest to Jesus?
Mary rejoicing, Rachel weeping
How shall we reconcile the glorious birth of the Savior with the bloody deaths of the boys of Bethlehem?
Why Women Choose Abortion
Should Expectant Mothers Be Tested for HIV?
Experts debate how to reduce AIDS in newborns.
Married, with Children?
Fans of the traditional family should not be intimidated by bad statistics.
ARTICLE: Clocking Out
Women are choosing to leave the workforce in increasing numbers. What does this mean for the church?
Refocusing the Family
The Parents Luther Feared Disgracing
Were they caring and firm—or so harsh they drove him to rebel against every authority in his life?
From the Archives: Monica, Faithful Mother
Augustine considered his mother, Monica, a driving force in his own salvation. In his Confessions, he documents her relentless prayers and persuasions. In Book IX, he speaks of her married life with Patricius in Thagaste, a small town in North Africa, thanking God for her powerful Christian witness. Patricius was a pagan throughout his life, but converted to Christianity shortly before his death.
Augustine's Sex-Life Change: From Profligate to Celibate
To Carthage then I came Burning burning burning burning…

Top Story June 15, 2024

Faithful Fathers
Faithful Fathers
Reports of the death of fatherhood have been greatly exaggerated. There are many good dads, like mine, quietly blessing their children.

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