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PCA Will Investigate ‘Jesus Calling’ Book
The author of the bestseller died last year. The investigation will determine if the book is appropriate for Christians.
Died: Joel Belz, Founder of World Magazine
A “newspaper man at heart,” he believed Christians needed “sound journalism, grounded in facts and biblical truth.”
Died: Mark Lowrey, Founder of PCA Campus Ministries
He started Reformed University Fellowship with a vision of students ministering to students and learning to love the local church.
المسيحيون اللبنانيون الذن نزحوا عن الحدود الاسرائيلية يتصارعون مع من المُلام
بينما تهدد الاشتباكات المحدودة مع حزب الله بتوسيع حرب إسرائيل ضد حماس، يتعامل المشيخيون والمعمدانيون المحليون مع معركة ليست من صنعهم.
Déplacés de la frontière israélienne, les chrétiens libanais peinent à savoir qui blâmer.
À cause d’affrontements avec le Hezbollah qui menacent d’étendre la guerre d’Israël contre le Hamas, les presbytériens et baptistes locaux sont affectés par une guerre qui n’est pas la leur.
Displaced from Israel Border, Lebanese Christians Wrestle with Whom to Blame
As limited clashes with Hezbollah threaten to expand Israel’s war against Hamas, local Presbyterians and Baptists suffer a battle not of their making.
Nashville Pastor Scott Sauls Resigns After Apologizing for Harsh Leadership
Sauls spent a decade leading Christ Presbyterian Church and had been on leave since May.
追悼:サラ・ヤング氏 霊想書『わたしは決してあなたをひとりにしない』の著者
Décès de Sarah Young, autrice de « Un moment avec Jésus »
Les « prières d’écoute » de cette épouse de missionnaire ont réconforté et inspiré des millions de personnes.
Died: ‘Jesus Calling’ Devotional Author Sarah Young
The missionary wife’s “listening prayers” comforted and inspired millions.
Falleció Sarah Young, autora del devocionario ‘Jesús te llama’
Las «oraciones de escucha» de la esposa de un misionero consolaron e inspiraron a millones de personas.
Morre Sarah Young, autora do devocional O chamado de Jesus
Suas orações consolaram e inspiraram milhões de pessoas.
Covenant Families Frustrated by Tennessee’s Failure to Pass New Gun Laws
Special legislative session ends without measures to prevent mass shootings at schools.
The Presbyterian Church in America Has an Abuse Crisis Too
Women thought the PCA, with its robust system of governance, might provide some accountability. They found that was not the case.
PCA’s 50th Anniversary Comes During a Season of Grief
Presbyterians expect less fight and more fatigue as they gather following the Covenant shooting and the deaths of Harry Reeder and Tim Keller.
追悼:ティム・ケラー牧師 ニューヨークシティで魅力的な証しの模範を示す
Tim Keller puso en práctica la gracia que predicó
En un mundo cada vez más dividido, el legado del pastor y teólogo fue recorrer el camino más elevado: el menos transitado.
Wafat: Tim Keller, Pendeta New York City
“Dalam diri kita sendiri, kita sebenarnya lebih berdosa dan bersalah daripada yang kita bayangkan, namun pada saat yang sama, dalam Yesus Kristus, kita lebih dikasihi dan diterima daripada yang kita harapkan.”

Top Story June 16, 2024

Faithful Fathers
Faithful Fathers
Reports of the death of fatherhood have been greatly exaggerated. There are many good dads, like mine, quietly blessing their children.

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