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If You’re a Christian, You Should Probably Thank Your Mom
A majority of American Protestants were raised by devout mothers, a study finds.
Against the ‘Audience Capture’ of the Church
Our message cannot be market tested or manufactured.
Bible Figures Never Say ‘I’m Sorry’
If they don’t “apologize” in the modern sense, it’s only because Scripture has a richer vocabulary of repentance.
5 Underrated Books on Spiritual Formation
Chosen by Alex Sosler, author of A Short Guide to Spiritual Formation: Finding Life in Truth, Goodness, Beauty, and Community.
Exploited South African Miners Turn to Churches for Help
Pastors help widows take on delayed pensions and negotiate peace amid violent labor disputes.
Criticizing Critical Race Theory—and Its Critics
A new book seems oddly outraged that CRT skeptics take its arguments seriously.
Yes, Charisma Has a Place in the Pulpit
But let’s not mistake it for calling.
I Cried Out to the Name Demons Fear Most
How Jesus rescued a New Age psychic from spiritual darkness.
Be Still and Come Out of Your Shell
To heal divides, God wants to bring us out from hiding.
The Secret Sin of ‘Mommy Juice’
Alcoholism among women is rising. Can the church help?
Readers Send Mixed Messages about the Israel-Hamas War
Responses to our March issue.
New & Noteworthy Fiction
Chosen by Lindsay A. Franklin, freelance editor and author of The Weaver trilogy.
Pakistani Christians Accused of Blasphemy Found Not Guilty
And other brief news from believers around the world.
Charisma and Its Companions
Church movements need magnetic leaders. But the best leaders need more than charm.
Was Paul a Slave?
The surprising argument that Saul of Tarsus was born into bondage.
Creating Christian College Presidents for the Future
A first cohort of scholars consider whether God is calling them to executive leadership.
How to Pray with ADHD
Christians with neurodivergence are exploring other options for devotions and Bible study.
Being HumanEpisode 14|1 hr
‘Listen, Listen, Speak’ with Jay Kim
Reaction and reflection in the age of social media.
Evangélicos estão adiando para ter filhos. Será que esta é a decisão correta?
A maternidade sempre foi uma bênção para o meu trabalho, nunca um prejuízo.
Died: Mandisa, ‘Overcomer’ Singer and American Idol Star
The Grammy-winning artist was found dead at her home in Nashville at age 47.

Top Story June 16, 2024

Faithful Fathers
Faithful Fathers
Reports of the death of fatherhood have been greatly exaggerated. There are many good dads, like mine, quietly blessing their children.

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