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Top Ten Reasons to Know Christian History
War reports deluge us every hour. Why should we read old news?
Saint J. R. R. the Evangelist
Tolkien wanted his Lord of the Rings to echo the Lord of Lords—but do we have ears to hear?
Play Me That Hot Puritan Love Song
A little-read book of the Bible reminds us of the astonishing intimacy we enjoy with Christ
Heresy, Salvation, and Jack the Ripper
Why heresy trials will have to do, until something better comes along
Sex, Politics, and the Bible
Some words just don't mean what they used to …
Jonathan Edwards: Recommended Resources
Caveat Gyrator (Elvis Priestly, Part II)
So you've got an evangelistic pop-culture act ready for prime time. Here's a historical pause for reflection.
Jonathan Edwards: Did You Know?
Interesting and unusual facts about Jonathan Edwards
The Trouble with George
Edwards worried that the strong emotions raised by George Whitefield's preaching would produce not steady Christians by religious hypocrites.
From Oratorios to Elvis
Pop culture has been coming to a church near you for hundreds of years
Preacher in the hands of an Angry Church
I'm Dreaming of a Victorian Christmas
Advent—Close Encounters of a Liturgical Kind
'Tis the season when even the free-ranging revivalist pulls up a chair to the table of historic liturgy
I'm Dreaming of a Victorian Christmas
An ageless story reminds us of the values the Victorians can still teach us
'Tell Billy Graham the Jesus People Love Him.'
How evangelism's senior statesman helped the hippies tune in, turn on to God.
The Christian DNA of Modern Genetics
Though open to frightening ethical abuse, genetics has been a Christian vocation since Gregor Mendel did his famous pea-plant experiments in the mid-nineteenth century
An 'Ordinary Saint' in Wartime
William Wilberforce saw two long charitable campaigns through, even in war's distracting shadow
Dig that Billy Graham Cat!
How the grand old man of evangelism helped create Christian youth culture in the zoot-suit era
No Sex (Before Marriage), Please...We're Christian
Miss America preaches a 2000-year-old message