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Want to Follow God? Go to Sleep
Why rest is paramount to a "successful" spiritual life.
Scared to Death of Death: Facing More Than Gramma's Mortality
When my family moved my grandma cross-country to a nearby nursing home, I had no idea she would bring with her a reminder of irrevocable loss.
Marriage: Creating a Partnership, Not Reeling in a Catch
The old traditions of luring in a spouse still linger today.
When the State Took Away My Life: North Carolina Grapples with Sterilization Practice
It all began just a mile down the road from my house.
Why 'Girl with the Dragon Tattoo' Is Hurting Women
Lisbeth Salander is less a female role model than a projection of a base male fantasy.
Beards: A Hairy Topic in My Household
The cultural and religious significance of the manly mane.
Lit! Reading as Discipline
Words and the Word.
Lit! Why & How We Read
It starts with our theology.
Perfection Obsession: What It Looks Like to Accept Limitations
Amy Julia Becker finds perfection in her daughter's limitations in her award-winning book, 'A Good and Perfect Gift.'
Tattooed Barbie: You've Come a Long Way!
Barbie is art imitating life (and vice-versa).
Exotic Animals and Kingdom Ethics
Principles for why we should avoid treating all animals as possessions.
The Difference Between Michele Bachmann's and Rick Perry’s Liberty University Pitches
An analysis from someone inside the university.
Ben & Jerry's 'Schweddy Balls' and Scatological Humor
Why I'm not joining 'one million moms' in a boycott.
Welcoming Doubt to Christian Education
Reflections on the Cardus Education Survey from a department chair at the world's largest evangelical university.
Inside the Heart of an Animal Hoarder
When a love for pets goes terribly awry.
The Female Friendship Crisis
Friends are an indispensable part of growing in Christ. So why do many of us have so few?
The Redemptive Narrative in Jaycee Dugard's Captivity Story
Why children play a vital role in the stories from women who were abducted.
Doing Authentic Ministry with My Smokin' Hot Bride
A list of the worst ever Christian cliches.
An Open Letter to Donald Miller on Your Engagement
First, congratulations. Second, let's talk about that list of qualities we should want in a spouse.
Anthony Weiner, Gnostic
The embroiled congressman's defense that sexting is not adultery reveals a mind-body dualism long resisted by Christian tradition.