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Where Preaching is Headed

I grew up in the desert, so I know nothing about boats. I always wondered how sailors could go in any direction other than that of the prevailing wind. Then someone explained "tacking," by which sailors actually sail into the wind

Throughout history, great preachers have done the same thing. Rather than let winds of culture determine the course of their preaching, they utilize that power to move in a kingdom direction

As editor of Leadership's monthly tape series, Preaching Today, I hear dozens of sermons from pulpits all across North America. I speak with professors and practitioners of homiletics on a regular basis. From this vantage point, I see four strong winds blowing on contemporary preachers. At least one has the capacity to cause shipwreck; yet properly harnessed, each can propel preaching to new effectiveness

Force 1: Narrative and story

Last year's Olympic coverage took on a new form. Many tuned in to see athletic competition; what we saw instead were enough sugary personal ...

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