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Fessing Up

Restoring confession and repentance as part of discipleship in the church.

Confession and repentance are increasingly disappearing from the church, despite the clear witness of both Scripture and our spiritual heritage. What has contributed to this trend? Although there are many factors, I've identified three factors. One of these, no doubt, is the influence of the so-called "seeker-sensitive" movement, with the notable influence of those who insist that references to sin and confession are not positive and affirming.

Others contend that confession is a violation of the gospel; they argue that Christians no longer need to confess our sins because they have been forgiven—past, present, and future. One radio personality declares that every time we confess our sins after we become Christians, we "nail Christ to the cross again."

Finally, some therapists suggest that confession is not consistent with our experience being victims. They observe that every time we sin, we are acting out the ways in which we have been wronged or wounded. Confessing ...

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