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The Social Church

Leadership Journal reviews
The Social Church

The Social Church: a Theology of Digital Communication by Justin Wise
Moody Publishers, 2014

The Facts: Your church has gone digital. Have you caught up? First email, then instant messenger and MySpace, and now Facebook and Twitter rule the internet. Where once phone calls were the quick way to connect, now it's text messages. The old ways of communicating simply aren't as effective any more. Your church needs a vision and a strategy for how to minister to people in the digital space. Justin Wise uses the church's long history of innovation and visioneering to lay the groundwork to offer a grand vision and strategic steps for pastors to be effective in a digital world.

The Slant: Millennials are "digital natives." They have never known a non-digital world. Technology is to them as pen and paper were to previous generations. What are churches doing to adjust to this new reality? Justin Wise is experienced in pastoral ministry and helping churches learn to effectively utilize technology ...

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