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Have Mercy!
This spring, Nancy Alcorn celebrates the 20th anniversary of Mercy Ministries, which offers God's hope and healing to girls struggling with addictions, eating disorders, unwed pregnancy, and abuse—girls not so unlike the bulimic teen she once was.
25 Ways You Can Make a Difference!
Think one woman can't make a positive impact on the world? Think again!
Surprised by Joy
Mary Beth Chapman never dreamed she'd travel to China to adopt two little girls, or that they'd help in her journey toward healing from depression.
Survivor's Story
Christian singer Bonnie Keen endured divorce, depression, a near date rape, and the destruction of her career. So why's she able to smile?
Pornification Nation
Modern-day abolitionist Lisa Thompson talks about the disturbing impact of our hypersexualized culture—and what she hopes you'll do about it.
A Q&A with Stephanie Wilson
An astronaut discusses fear, faith, and seeing Earth from space.
O Brothers, Where Art Thou?
The absence of single men is emerging as one of the key trends in Christian dating. Here's the problem through the eyes of two expert observers—and some suggestions for fixing it.
A Q&A with Mary Mary
Urban gospel singing duo Erica and Tina Campbell dish on sibling squabbles, mainstream success, and healing prayers.
The Ad Copy of Coupledom
The Half-fullness of Joy
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