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The 30-Day Leviticus Challenge
One church's experiment in living the most arcane book of the Bible.
Our May/June Issue: Life of the Body
Jesus is present in his people, even the socially distanced ones.
Jesus Is the Light of the Lockdown
2020 has drawn us closer to our human frailty. May it also draw us to the Incarnation.
Pastoral Care Doesn’t Require Capes
Four practitioners discuss how to minister well without resorting to heroics.
CT's Concise Coronavirus Guide for Churches
Download the guide for tips on forming a plan, staying informed, and caring for those affected.
Our September Issue: The Bible in Blue
It matters what Scripture says about police.
How a Pastor Got Fired Over Cranberries
Worry about present hardships and trouble distorts our faith in God’s future.
Our Jan/Feb Issue: Tomato, Tomahto, and the Bible
If the Christmas story actually happened in a garage, would we translate it that way?
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